Simone's Butterfly

What can T-Tapp hoe downs do for you?
• Increase mental clarity
• Help control hormonal mood swings often experienced with PMS and menopause
• Drop glucose levels quickly. (From 62 to 85 points upon completion and an average rate up to 100 points at 10 minutes post completion
• Burn off excess glucose before it converts to fat.
• Optimal brain balance, because hoedowns involve simultaneous left/right brain cognitive processing. Because of this, initial coordination doing the single count lift/touches from front to side can be challenging, but within a week cognitive processing significantly improves. It is important to exercise the brain as well as the body for quality of life in senior years.

Hoedowns are really aerobic AND they work your legs, butt, core, lats and abs all at once, (and if you're really twisting those thumbs back and getting your elbows forward you'll feel it in your arms as well!) So try Hoe Downs once or twice a day and see what they do for you.

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