Simone's Butterfly

100 Ways to Be Green

Text Box: Toxic 
As a word of warning, the Surgeon General recommends you don't eat toxics more than three to four times per week. To qualify for this label, a company must pass rigorous standards for disease, unsafe working conditions, and chemical disasters. Just like smoking, drinking, and spending time with your mother-in-law, toxic foods should be avoided by pregnant women. On the plus side, they are frequently on special.

1.    Become aware of your carbon footprint – this will give some good clues as to the changes that you need to make.

2.    Send e-cards

3.    Recycle Christmas cards either by looking for a place that collects them or reusing them or using them for crafts.

4.    Do e-mail Swaps

5.    Use Freecycle or similar groups to get rid of things you don’t need and to find things you do instead of just dumping it.

6.     Buy less stuff. Less stuff = less packaging, less production, less waste.

7.    Save water by fixing leaking taps

8.    By showering for shorter times

9.    Recycle your old glasses – in South Africa St John’s collects them,

10.  Shop less. Saves money and the gas driving to the store or delivering packages to your house.

11.  Buy less packaged goods. Packaging costs money, so focus on simpler products. They might even last longer.

12.  Turn up/down the thermostat. Being a little warmer in summer and cooler in winter will save money on your electric bill and reduce your energy usage.

13.  Buy CFL/Energy saving light bulbs. Yes, they’re more expensive at the start, but they save serious cash later.

14.  Turn off the lights. When you leave a room, turn off the lights, TV, etc.  

15.   Get a Savasocket. It provides a remote switch off for all devices connected via one mains extension panel.

16.  Unplug unused electronics. Turning them off isn’t enough. For serious savings, you need to unplug.

17.  Use rags, sponges, and towels rather than paper towels to clean.

18.  Choose energy-efficient appliances. They cost slightly more at first, but make up the cost quickly.

19. Light a match in the toilet/bathroom to get rid of bad smells instead of using sprays

20. Don't buy expensive chemical cleaners for your windows. Save old wine and vinegar in a spray bottle and with a bit of effort you'll get shining windows for free.

21.  Plant native plants in your yard, rather than non-native water hogs.

22.  Buy a solar phone charger.

23. Put your investments/savings in companies and banks that support the environment.

24. Choose paperless banking.

25.  Build a rainwater system for your garden.

26.  Buy or make mesh produce bags. Use the bags for fruit and veggies.

27.  Carry tote bags. Take them to the grocery store. Keep one in your car for errands.

28.  Say no to plastic bags. If you forgot your bag and carry it in your hands, say no to the plastic.

29.  Only run the washing machine when you have a full-load.

30. Resole your shoes.

31. Repair seams rather than replacing your clothes.

32. Use mass transit (public transport).

33. Become part of a lift club to work or school

34.  Walk when ever possible instead of driving.

35.  Ride a bike.

36. Get your car serviced to reduce pollution and fuel usage.

37.  Plant a vegetable or herb garden.

38.  Make your own Compost. Free fertilizer, less waste!

39. Recycle. It doesn’t cost you any money but it helps the environment.

40.  Use recycled toilet paper

41. Don’t buy bottled water. Either drink regular tap water or buy a sink filter.

42.  Use a clothes line or drying rack instead of the dryer.

43.  Buy fewer plastic toys. Or really, fewer toys in general.

44.  Share kid’s clothes or buy used. They grow so fast that their clothes are usually in good shape.

45.  Share toys or buy used.

46.  Eat at home. Less carry-out waste, less wasted food, more cash in your wallet.

47.  Eat less. Your wallet, your waist, and the planet will thank you.

48. Reuse plastic butter tubs and other containers.

49.  Use up all your food before it goes bad. Try not to buy more food than you need.

50. Buy reusable coffee filters.

51.  Entertain at home. You’ll reduce your energy use at movie houses and restaurants, and save money.

52.  Reduce your gift lists. Prepare now to trim down birthday, Valentine’s Day, and holiday gifts. Not only will you save money, but you’ll contribute to less waste from wrapping paper and stuff no one wants.

53.  Read rather than watch TV. Reading requires only the energy from your lamp. TVs, especially flat-screens, are real-energy hogs.

54. Borrow books from the library.

55.  Use Paperback Book Swap.

56. Read your news online.

57. Download your music

58. Download movies – saves packaging etc……

59. Download your software for your computer.

60.  Think before you print.

61. Shred your mail and use it as mulch during winter.

62. Stop getting junk mail

63. Carry your own coffee/tea mug to coffee when buying take away coffee (eg. Starbucks).

64. Print on both sides of the paper.

65. Drive to the speed limit , you will release less toxins and save using petrol

66.  Buy fair-trade products

67. Buy locally produced products

68. Encourage friends to recycle and think green.

69.  Try not to use paper plates and cups for parties and picnics.

70.  If you have a baby – breastfeed for as long as possible

71.  Be a good example to children around you – help make the new generation more green.

72. Re-gift

73. Hold a clothing swap party

74.  Sometimes libraries will be interested in receiving old magazines, so it’s worth asking about that if you’re taking your books in anyway. Alternatively, you could ask at local hairdressers, doctor’s surgeries and hospitals as these places often put magazines in the reception areas for people to flick through while they wait.

75. Save shoe boxes or other large boxes that you get presents in and you can use them, wrapped, for gift hampers later.

76. They also make good storage boxes for kids’ knick knacks.

77.  Buy water-efficient showerheads

78. Certain greens can help remove indoor air pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. Don't have the gardening gene? Golden pothos, English ivy, and peace lilies are all easy-to-grow toxin fighters.

79.  Buy a laptop. It uses considerably less power than a desktop computer.

80. Buy inkjet printers and choose remanufactured cartridges instead of new ones.

81. Eat less meat or go vegetarian

82. Make use of left over food – don’t waste

83.  Become active in projects like river/beach or town clean-ups

84. Donate money to eco-friendly causes

85. Helps awareness campaigns on Facebook and similar sites

86. Host a green party – play board and card games etc…..

87. Host a green video fest

88.  Use lunchboxes, reusable drink containers, cloth napkin and proper cutlery for lunches. Find odd pieces of used silverware at a second-hand store so you don't lose parts of your good set.

89.  Use indoor walking videos instead of the treadmill – better still walk outdoors

90.  If your hair can handle it buy two in shampoo & conditioners – another way to save on packaging.

91.  Do an eco-tour for a holiday

92.   Buy your tickets for movies, theatre airlines etc. online or telephone to save paper (you can choose to print on recycled paper etc.)

93.  Use rechargeable batteries.

94. Use solar-powered chargers. Energy stored from exposure to sunlight can recharge an average phone, MP3 player, digital camera or PDA once or twice. Besides being better for the environment, these devices free users to charge up from anywhere.

95.  Donate old cellular phones. You can donate your phone to a charity or sell it to a third-party recycler.

96.  Get an energy audit. Energy audits evaluate your home and look for ways to improve energy efficiency. There some organizations that do it for free.

97.  Make your own household cleaners:

98.  Boiling water with a kettle rather than the hob and keeping lids on saucepans will cook your veg faster and keep your energy bills down.

99.  Keep fit and trim / lose weight

100.            How To Make Your Own Deodorant (A Very Simple Recipe) – I have not tried this myself yet but I plan to might save me some money as well:


Found it

In my various hours of research, I came upon a solution:  mixing baking soda with cornstarch.  The cornstarch actually works as a light antiperspirant, and the baking soda deodorizes.


I’ve been using it for two weeks now, and I love it.  Absolutely love it.



  1. In a reusable and resealable container, mix 1 part baking soda with 6 parts cornstarch.  
  2. Close the container and shake vigorously for about a minute, to thoroughly mix the two powders.  
  3. Then dab a small amount to the skin of your armpits with a soft cotton cloth, cotton ball, or cosmetic applicator.  Apply as if you were lightly applying baby powder or cosmetic powder.




  • The application should last at least a day - for me it lasts at least 2 days!  
  • This method hasn’t left any stains or residues on my white or black clothing.  It seems to do better than normal deodorant in that regard! (Still, of course use caution with expensive and/or hard-to-clean items, as you would with any deodorant.)
  • A nice way to store your deodorant powder is in an antique cosmetic jar (above), which you can pick up at a garage sale or thrift store.



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